Friday, March 30, 2012

Catching Up!!!!!

Once again, I have been delinquent in blogging.  I suppose the only good thing about being far away from all of you is that Sas and Sue can not hit me so hard as to bruise me deeply (which they have done in the past).  Some may say I have violent friends but I like to think of them as being deeply passionate.

I was going through my pictures the other day and just thought I would share a few random ones with you before I catch you up on things.

My crazy husband......who loves the Hava Nagila song and will even sometimes dances to it.  It is times like this when my heart becomes a big puddle of mush for him.

My emotional scars are still running deep.  I saw this picture and it sent a shiver down my spine!

Rico (aka Angry Bird), even looks menacing in his pictures

Not many people have seen Herve with hair on his head!  It is now even longer but we are going to cut it off before Jordan.  My husband is gorgeous - even with long hair!

Update on Saint Laurent de Cerdans

Well, we have been gone for almost a week and I can still say that Sue and Geoff have a little piece of paradise.  I wish I had had the time to walk more of their land or to see it in the summer when all the trees were leaved out.

And now that we are in Agde, I can see us coming back and just slowly touring from one end of southern France to the other.  The terrain is so different and I love the relaxed feeling we have eperienced since being in France.

While with Sue and Geoff, we got to meet some of their friends and I have decided that this is the great thing about Helpxing.  I love meeting new people!

One night, their friend, Namua, who runs an organic olive farm and has Helpxers as well (see here for her HelpX posting) had an equinox party.  Everyone had to write down a wish/hope for ourselves for the coming year on a slip of paper.  We then buried them under a new tree.  Then, we had to make a wish for someone else while lighting a candle.  The candles were then placed around the room and left to burn themselves out.  It was a nice little ceremony - nothing strange like the sound healing in Maine.

Namua made a fabulous vegetarian feast.  I ate this carrot and walnut pie with garlic mayonaise!  It was sooooooo good I had seconds and now wish that I had asked her for the recipies.  We met a woman named Wendy who has traveled the world for work and so has many funny stories - like living in a neighborhood in Japan which had lots of members of the Yakusa in it while teaching English.  Unfortunately, she learned some Japanese from them and tried it out on her students only to find out that she was talking "gangsta" to them!

We also met a fellow Canadian, Dharma, who is originally from Vancouver but is currently dating one of Namua's sons.

One of our last evening's there, Geoff arranged for a bunch of their friends to meet in a restaurant in this tiny village, Tapis, just over the border in Spain. He figures the only inhabitants are the family that run the restaurant and general store in the village.  Obviously, people must come from far and wide to dine here because the restaurant can easily seat 250 people but there is only about 5 houses in the village.

We met Ollie, an Englishman, who is currently living in and repairing an old farm house for another person.  He was there with his daughter Lucy, who was visiting him from Edinburgh where she is going to school to get a horticulutural degree.  They were incredibly outgoing and funny. Ollie had lots of stories as he has worn many hats in his life.

Fido and Kristine were there with their two children.  We had met them over coffee the first time we went to the Ceret market.  Fido is big into the Chinese board game Go.  Their little girls thought my Canadian accent was funny.  Michel's Haitian nature came out when he and Kristine had a debate about the war in Afghanistan.  This came up because a couple of days before a man had gone on a killing spree (soldiers and Jewish children) to make a statement about Palestine and Afghanistan.  It got quite heated and Michel's hands were flying through the air while he was making his arguments. 

At some point during the debate, Kristine asked to see Michel's palm and the debate came to an abrupt halt as she started to give him a "sort-of" palm reading.  Susan got in on it as well because Kristine found a pentagram on Michel's palm which as apparently "very interesting" but neither she nor Susan could say why it was interesting.  I think I prefer to think of it as the Star of David rather than a pentagram - less negative connotations.

Anyway, at some point, the topic of the "Six Degrees of Separation" came up on conversation and it turns out that one of the guests is the great grand-daughter of Erwin Rommel (famous general in the Nazi party during WWII), a friend of Susan's, Sally (who we met when she and Susan came to pick us up from the train station when we arrived), has a friend who has worked with Kate Bush, and then I pointed out that I was only 2 degrees separated from the Beatles because David (alpaca farm) had worked in a guitar factory when he was very young and had met the Beatles (and others but I can't remember who) when they came to check out some equipment that the factory (can't remember the name of the factory but I think it started with a V) was giving them to use on their famous North American tour (the first one) (David is really old - tee hee tee hee - sorry David!)

I think Geoff is having a good time at dinner with everyone.
That is Lucy to his left and then Karen.
Anyway, it was a fabulous night and too boot, we ate wild boar that had been killed by some local hunters - how very French!!!!

I do have to apologize to Susan and Geoff as I was constantly calling them Angela and David.  I don't know why but there it is.  Even now, when I think about our time with them, my mind says Angela and David and then automatically corrects itself.  I am going to blame it on either the dementia that runs in the Wallace family.........or my peri-menopause.

Speaking of, there is a great comic that does a bit on menopause and how one of the signs is that you forget the names of things.  I am soooooooo going through menopause!!!!

Anyway, that is about all that happened while we were in Saint-Laurent.  For your viewing pleasure, what follows is a photo/video montage:

Pets all over the world are the same - hard working but man, do they enjoy their "siesta".
Lola (black), Jez (brown),
Rizler (white, blank and brown)
and the Terrorist (cat that thinks she is a dog)

The little village of Saint Laurent de Cerdans is lovely.  Come on a walk with us:
Tilt your head to your left.
Huge town map on the side of a building.

Tilt your head to your right.
More than 150 steps from the bottom to the top!
My cardio is way better than when we left Calgary!
I didn't actually walk these steps (we went via road).

Tilt your head to your right.
I love old European streets!
The little piece of paradise where we went to work:

Catalan - home of the espadrille shoe!!!!

We found this vicious, highly poisonious friend in our bedroom!
Ok, it's not vicious or poisonous - just dead!!!!

Michel stripes the bark from pine to build a raised bed!

Carnival in Ceret
Strange French custom, during carnival, kids run around
spraying each other with shaving cream!!

First float in the parade - don't know who Casimir is.

I should not have to tell anyone who this is.

Are you look'n at me!!!
Are you look'n at me!!!
(think Scarface)

Not part of the parade - just a partyer (sp?).

Spidey, you are not looking too good!!
Your face is kinda sliding off!!

Back on the Farm......and other places.......completely random.
This is the River Mugla that divides Spain from France.
I am standing in the middle of the bridge that spans it.
I am technically in Spanish and French air space at the same time.

Ooooooo, they are soooo cute!!!!
Everyone other than the Terrorist - cause she believes
she is a dog, she doesn't hang with the other cats.

Once again, vicious and poisonous but not dead!!!!
Ok, not vicious or poisonous - just a cute little snake!

Macenet - a little Spanish town where we went for a drink.

Susan is oogling my sangria!!!!
In Macenet

Ain't I adorable - please love me!!!!! - Jez

The Terrorist really liked Michel - I wonder why????

Playing Boule!!!

How very French!!! At the market in Ceret.

OMG - typical French shirts!!!!!
And now for something to make you laugh:

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


On Saturday, Susan and Geoff took us to Ceret for the day.  It is about an hour's drive from their little piece of paradise. 

We were going because it was a market day (like a farmer's market in Canada).  Lots of artisans from the food side and others (pottery, woodwork, etc).  It was located on some of the old streets of Ceret and the whole experience was very French!  We bought some raw sheep and cow's cheese that tasted wonderful.

This turns out to have been a bad idea as we have all gotten sick from it (at least this is the only thing we think it could be)!!  First it was me, then Michel and poor Susan got hit the worst!!!  I just had an upset stomach and was very tired (as was Michel). Susan was throwing up!!  I feel so bad.  Geoff thought he was immune as he has a stomach of cast iron steel (and both he and Susan mentioned it last night before they went to bed).  Unfortunately, it just meant that it took longer to hit him (about 4am in the morning).

Other than that though, the day in Ceret was wonderful.

Once the market was over, there was a carnival!  So there was a TV/movie themed parade with more than 10 floats (not bad for a town of only 7,000 people)!  Once we get a better internet connection, I will do another photo montage for you guys!

We also got to meet a couple of Sue and Geoff's friends over coffee.

On a completely different note, Michel and I were walking around Saint Laurent de Cerdans one afternoon last week and we came across a great place that was for sale.  It was a large house (with 4 floors), a formal garden (shaped hedges), an aviary, what looked like old stables, etc.  It was just on the edge of town. Michel and I joked about buying it.  When we talked to Susan and Geoff about it, it turns out it is owned by the town.  It apparently has 18 bedrooms and lots of land attached to it.  The town apparently only wants $1M for it.  I thought maybe we could put together a cooperative and we could all pitch in to buy it.  Doesn't everyone want to be able to say they have a vacation villa in southern France!  Too boot, there is interesting history.......apparently during WWII, the Nazi's used it as their headquarters for the region!  How cool is that!  Anybody interested in my idea?

And ladies, if that is not enough.......this area is the centre for espadrilles and there is a factory right in Saint Laurent!

As well, you are less than 2 hours from Perpignan, France or Barcelona, Spain!

Lastly, I went for a walk with the dogs today (I have mostly recovered while everyone else is still suffering) and found the River Muga.  I found a rock in the middle of the river to stand in so that I was in both countries at the same time (photo later).  As well, I found a foot bridge that crossed the river.  Technically, while standing on the bridge, I was in both France and Spain's air space.  No jets were scrambled to address my prescence in each countries air space!  I guess I was not viewed as a threat.

Well, I think it is time to do a little work.  I will go outside and do a bit of planting and then make some lunch (for one as I don't think anyone else is at the point of wanting food yet).

Love you all!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Feeling Blue

I don't really have anything exciting to blog about today but just thought I might ramble a bit.

I am feeling a bit blue today so ate my last bar of chocolate from Switzerland and not even that helped.  I think that 8.5 months on the road are finally taking their tole.  I am missing all of you enormously and just wish that I could be at each of your houses having a cup of coffee with you. 

If I was at Mom and Dad's we could be sitting on the front deck and the only way it could be better is if Sharon and Steve were there with us.

At Sharon's, I would sit with her, Scott and Kaye (Bruce would wander in and out as usual) and just listen to the kids talk and give each other a hard time.

At Steve's, we would just watch TV or a movie and just enjoy being together.

At Sas', the 3 of us (Sue, me and Sas) would either be in the kitchen or the garage and it would be the constant stream of the kids coming to ask questions. Oh, how I miss the kids!

At Monique's it would be sitting back and listening to her and Michel talk about politics or CBC radio stuff that they had heard while Jess brings me up to date on what is going on in her life.

At Liz's, it would be sitting around the table, playing crib and having everyone give me a hard time about my inability to count the cards.

And oh how I miss sharing an office with Heather and just talking about work and life in general.

I miss you all terribly. I am coming home soon and can't wait to spend time with all of you.

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Eagle has France

Just a quick note to let everyone know that we have arrived at Susan and Geoff's farm near Saint Laurent de Cerdans, France.

It is a wonderful cross between mountains like Haiti and the Canadian Rockies.  The house is situated in a valley with the River Muga running thru it and you have to take a very windy dirt road down the mountain to get to the house.  The river is the boundry that separates France from Spain.  So.......I am thinking that at one point during our stay, I might try to be in both Spain and France at the same time.....if that is physically possible (I haven't seen how big the river is yet).

The view from our room is amazing (I will take a picture later this week and post it).  We get to look across the valley at the mountain in Spain.

It really is a little piece of paradise that feels like it is in the middle of nowhere (Cerdans is 7 kms away).

More tomorrow........or the day after!

Am going through one of my bouts of homesickness.  I am missing everyone quite a bit.  Need to let you all know that I love you very much and can't wait to see you when we get back to Canada!



Friday, March 9, 2012

Knitting A Go-Go

We are heading off to France on Sunday and I have been busy over the last couple of weeks on the knitting front (now that I finished Sharon's Xmas shawl - which she tells me she likes - Thank God!) so I just thought I would show off what I have been making.

While at Rosevine, I knitted this hat almost 6 times (I changed the pattern several times) before I got it right.  David thought I was absolutely crazy.  The great buckle was provided by Angela from her button stash and the yarn came from Spain.

I knitted this Robin Hood Cloche while here in Wadenswil.  The yarn is from Quebec (yes, I have carried it since we were in St. Julie and yes, it is not the only yarn I have in my vacation stash).  Angela and I found these great buttons are from a hobby store in Porthleven, Cornwall. 

Michel let me buy some yarn while we were in Zurich the other day. We have been having an on-going debate about each other's stashes - I stash yarn - he is stashing books!  I think I win becaue my stash takes up less space and definitely weighs less!

Amazingly, yarn is one of the few things that does not seem to be expensive here.

Not my usual gig - it is blue and sparkly -
definitely not me.  What was I thinking!!!!
It is still pretty though.

This wonderful grey cotton cost a whopping $2.90 CHF -
about $3.25 Cdn

I am now using the grey cotton yarn to make this Stacy Charles necklace.

So, there you go.  The thrilling events while we have been in Switzerland!!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Suckered in by a Parrot

I was oh so wrong and parrots are wwwwwaaaaaaayyyyyyy smarter and devious than I expected.

I thought we had come so far (heavy sigh).  I was even feeling guilty about not letting them out of their cage last night.  I thought we had mended the fences because Rico had started to let me stroke his beak.

So this morning, he let me stroke his beak and it looked like he wanted to "mouth" my finger - parrots way of getting to know you or show that they liks you.

Ohhhhhhhhh, but that was not what he wanted.  I am typing this with a bandage on my left index finger because he bit so hard he drew blood.  I am so easily suckered in.

I am completely traumatized and will never be able to hear the name Rico again without having flashbacks!!!!

My war wound!
Can parrots get "blood lust"?  Cause Rico has now tasted both mine and Michel's blood.  Have we created a parrot monster?  I hope not!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Change of Plans

Well, we couldn't find a way to go to Vimy without it costing us an arm and leg so we have given up on going.  I feel bad as many of the military things that Michel has wanted to do haven't come to fruition.

So, on Sunday, we will be flying to Barcelona only to then cross over the border back into Spain to meet up with Susan and Geoff who will be our hosts on our next HelpX posting.  Their property sits right on the border of Spain and France.  They are mainly vegetarian and into a raw diet as well so I am quite excited to give it a try!  I am sure my carnivore side will come out from time to time but I am looking forward to expanding our cooking  repetoire.  Friends and family beware, I am sure we will be testing out these new skills on you upon our return (the Friday Night Gang will love a vegetarian/raw meal - right, Gerald?) (evil laugh).

Then it is off to Agde to visit with Diane. Agde is also in southern France but is on the coast and so we will briefly be on the Mediteranean.

Below is a map that shows where Sue and Geoff live (A - not exactly of course) and where Agde is (B).

On March 31, we start our trip to the Bedouin Meditation Camp (HelpX posting) by flying to Athens and then onto Aquaba.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Serious Cacooning & A Hard Parrot Lesson

We have been in Switzerland for almost 6 full days now and other than going to the grocery store, we have not been out.  We have been very much enjoying the cacooning but I think we may actually brave the outside world and head into Zurich tomorrow to walk around and see the sights.

The only major thing to happen was that we learnt a very important lesson about parrots.  They are like little kids when over tired at bedtime. 

Our first night alone with the birds, we let Houston and Rico out of their cage (African Greys).  Now, the parakeets had come out and gone back into their cage without incident so we were expecting the Greys to be no problem as well.

Unfortunately, Houston and Rico did not see us as the alphas of the house so even though we did everything in the instructions:
  1. Tell them it's bedtime in 5 minutes with your open hand so they can see it.
  2. If they don't listen to you when it's time to go to bed, bring out the water bottle and that alone should motivate them to go in the cage.
  3. Use the water bottle to spray them.
  4. Bribe them with peanuts to get back in.
They did not get back into the cage.  As well, they were both on the floor and Houston doesn't know how to fly upwards (both can climb the cage though) so they were not in the greatest spot.

To make a long story short, 2.5 hours after starting the process to get them into the cage, they finally got back in.  They were stressed, we were stressed and both Michel and I had been bit quite a few times on the fingers (Rico drew blood on Michel) and had our toes chased.  The days since have been an exercise in rebuilding trust.

I am happy to say that Houston came around quite easy and today, Rico actually let me stroke his beak (very personal space) so we are getting back to where we need to be!!!!!!!

However, I don't think we will let them out again as I just don't want to chance putting them through that stress again.

On the plus side, I have been "singing" to the Greys with clicking sounds and Rico has started to imitate me!!!  And Houston has trained me to sing "Ring My Bell" when she rings the bell in her cage!

The parakeets are not really all that interesting but they are green and cute!!!

A Fond Farewell to the Farm

Well, after almost 6 weeks, we have moved on from Rosevine and we were quite sad to say goodbye.

We left on February 29th to make our way to Wadenswil, Switzerland (bedroom community to Zurich) and take on the task of babysitting 4 parrots.

Before I talk about Switzerland though, I would like to share some videos with you from the farm and others.

You should always use the right tools for the job:

An introduction to the people I helped take care of (unbelievably, the one I can't remember is Brilliance - my favorite!):

And now, a tour of the farm (a trilogy in 4 parts):

And now for something completely different (encountered on my walk of The Lizard):

And now a lesson for all the urbanites:

And just so you don't think that Michel wasn't pulling his weight at the farm as well:

Before the Farm
And now for some things that happened before we got to the farm but couldn't upload until now! A big thank you Alex for having a screaming fast internet connection (gotta love housesitting for computer people)!

Now, have some patience............this one takes a couple of minutes.

Tractors weren't the only things I learnt to operate while in Europe! (sorry, you will have to tilt your head)

And Michel learnt how to relax:

And that is it for now!