Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Before and During Spain


I know, I know!  My report is very, very late!  I think I am on the verge of a psychotic break!  Sometimes I´m Sasha, sometimes I'm Mitzi and sometimes........I'm both.  I am turning into Sybil!  It could be PTSD from withdrawl from the awesome purple lipstick that Sasha got to wear.

No matter what you say, I am not giving up the new purple lipstick and the hair color - it may be Sasha's but it makes me feel sexy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My team managed to penetrate the defenses of Edinburgh Castle.  It was a dark and stormy day (when is it not in Edinburgh!!!) and I believe the enemy's morale was starting to show signs of wear (who´s wouldn´t if you lived in the god forsaken place :) ).  Anyway, I believed it may have aided our entry.

Once again, we doned the disguise of tourists (I am amazed at how well this works).  We did come under fire but the boys held up admirably (we were there for the 1 o'clock firing of the cannon).  Other than the one incident, we carried out our assignment without incident.

Spidey gets some rest in the prisoner's cots in the Castle
after the excitment of the shooting.

Earlier on in the day, I met with our local agent and was briefed on other potential target sites.  We
did some recon and hit the jackpot!  We found the lair of the enemy's leader - Tom Riddle (Harry Potter fans will know what this is about!)

A tombstone in Greyfriar's graveyard.

Yes, I too have joined the league of Harry Potter and we found the hiding spot of Tom Riddle (aka: Valdemort - but don´t say the last word out loud, that is a big no-no).  Apparently, the mastermind of the enemy organization, whom I will call JK Rowling, for the purposes of this report, actually sat in a cafe nearby while coming up with her dasterdly plan.  From her vantage point, she could see the school which inspired her to create Hogwarts.  And several of her spy's code names come from the tombstones in the cemetary that lies beside the school.

There is also some sappy dog buried in the same place known as Greyfriar´s Bobby.  Agents Mom and Sharon will recognize the location, as the cemetary is right behind the pub by the same name which we did recon on 2 years ago.

And..........Tom is not the only bad guy we found!  We also found the hiding place of ¨Bloody¨ George Mackenzie!

I was so taken with this that I felt the need to bring the boys back that night after touring the underground vaults of Edinburgh.  Unfortunately, we did not managed to encounter any of the enemies (dead or alive)!
Scary crypts in cemetary at night
Michel let his inner spy come out and so indulged in the Imperial War Museum.  He needs to work on his recon skills because he didn't take any pictures while in the museum. However, he did take some good pics of other potential target sites along the way.

Westminster Abbey

The London Eye - is watching

Michel took this picture of the HMS Belfast (part of the
Imperial War Museum).  Just in case you may have thought
he was taking a picture of me!!!!  NOT!

I found my way to the Tate Modern and saw Picassos, Matisse, etc, etc, etc.  This is not a potential target - we would lose more than we would game if we took this site out.  However, took an interesting tour and learnt that Picasso sometimes "borrowed" painting methods from other painters. In university this would be called plagarism - in a vague sort of way.  I am a little disappointed in Picasso and if he were alive, would give him an F.
This is Picasso's
Femme nue assise.

This is George Braque's
Bottle and Fishes.

Wow, you take fishing line and 4 pointy sticks.  Then start
a pair of socks and give up.  Mount it in an Ikea
picture frame and it is considered art.

On the way to the Tate, I found a farmers market that was really cool and Monmouth which apparently is quite popular for it's coffee.  I didn't go in because I was not willing to wait in line - it was about 100 people long both times I walked by.  Londoners are crazy about coffee (not tea - pitty!).

I am going to have to have a talking to with Agent 008 again.  As her prelim report about the London Tower and Bridge was a bit confusing for me.  I was led to believe that the London Tower was the towery things that helped make up this very famous bridge and that the towers of the bridge had been used to house prisoners and the Queen's jewels.  Imagine my surprise when I found out this was not the case!!!

Veve does a great impression of the London Tower Bridge!
Soooooooo, anyway, the picture above is of the London Tower Bridge.  So called because one end of the bridge ends right at London Tower - that makes sense!

However, what doesn`t make sense is that you would call a huge complex that spans 18 hectares and contains a castle, church, barracks and many private residences.......a TOWER!  London Tower is anything but a tower and there isn`t even a tower within the walls.  At least nothing I would define as a stand alone tower!  It was lovely though.  We got to see the crown jewels and take a tour with an actual beefeater - he was a bit grumpy but then, I might be too if I had to wear that suit everyday!  All very interesting in a very touristy way!  But don't worry, although my mind kept wandering back to being just Mitzi and being a tourist, I kept my mission in mind!

Spidey really liked the Beefeater at the
London Tower. He did not serve us any gin but
still, Spidey is a bit fuzzy!

Is the big hat just to compensate for a
shortcoming somewhere else or is he
hiding something under the hat?

White Tower - which is actually a castle! 
And that was it for London and my report!

Spain (definitely no longer reporting as Sasha!)
The Oasis Backpackers Palace Hostel is brand new and VERY nice as hostels go.  Take a look at their pictures. However, the roommates for the first 2 nights..............OMG, I almost misused my spy powers and killed them.  Michel restrained me so there is no need to send in the "clean up" crew.

Seville has the world`s largest gothic cathedral so of course, being heathens, we went to see it.  It is awe inspiring and worth the trip. But, as heathens, we made many inappropriate remarks that will probably get us a one way trip to hell - should we be wrong and it actually exists!

Michel praying to the Oranges - they were every
where in Seville. Unfortunately, very bitter and
not used for eating.  A form of hell for Michel.

Down one side of the church.

A little artsy composition of the grave of
Christopher Columbus.  It is inside the church - just cause he
finds the new world, he warrants being buried inside the church??!!!

The keys to the church or maybe the gates of hell - what do I know?
This photo is for Grant - he likes old keys very much.

The high alter. I have to tell you, Sandi would be
aghast cause the church was filthy. This could
have been much more sparkly.

The enclosed garden of the church from the
bell tower - known as the Giralda.  The
cathedral is built on top of an old Muslim mosque
and the Giralda is the only part of the mosque that
survived the reconstruction.

Another view of the garden. I could have relaxed
there forever.
The gargoyles - Michel says it is Sandi and Sue!
Are you going to take that girls?

Other than that, there is not actually alot in Seville to do or see that we were interested in (bullfighting only happens in the summer).  So, we spent much time walking around soaking in the atmosphere and sitting on patios, sipping great coffee and watching people.  It was fantastic.  The tapas helped too.

Then it was off to Granada, kinda.  We actually had a late start because Michel had a moment...........when taking his morning medication, he accidentally included a sleeping pill.  So, we had an extra 4 hours in Seville while he had a nap. My sweety is so cute!

The Alhambra was amazing.  Unfortunately, I only took videos and I can't upload them right now so you will just have to wait!!!  Be patient, little grasshopper, good things come to those that wait (ancient Chinese proverb).  Or as Yoda would say, "Wait you must!"

We also took a tour of the town on Segways.  Once again, only video so that will be forthcoming.  It was awesome - want me one when I get back to the real world!

Oh, we also caught a flemenco show - I feel like a gypsy!  More video - I love the video function on my camera!

Then it was back to London for 1 night and then off to the farm!!  Where we have been for 5 days. 

You will have to wait until this weekend to hear about what has happened at the farm cause this bedtime story has been very long and you are very tired.  Now, be good boys and girls and tune in early next week for the next installment!  Kiss, kiss, hug, hug...............Sweet dreams (Faite du bonne reve).


Sasha  NO, I mean Mitzi

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Houston - The Alpaca has Landed!

We are at the farm!!!!!!

Sorry, the internet connection has been very sad over the last 2 weeks so no blogging or phoning.  I do check my email almost daily and funnily......not a lot of email from those I love - What's with that?

I have started to draft a long blog about our time in Spain and will post it in the next couple of days when I have some time to upload pictures.

Until then.............................I have been very busy in the last 24 hours becoming an experienced pooper scooper of alpaca poo pellets!!!!!!!!!!  I am so incredibly excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (standard overuse of exclamation points).  Sad, I know but I am not the only person in the world that gets excited about poo!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Change of Plans

The mission is not going as smoothly as I had hoped.

I can now confirm that Vimy Ridge is closed for the month of January as is the Royal Yacht Britania (unfortunately, your exploding message failed to include this information so we traveled in vain to the target)(This is not the first mistake Agent 008 has made and I am seriously thinking of taking her decoder ring away but will give her one more chance). As well, we can find no bagpipe concerts for Michel either!!!  Edinburgh has been a bust for him.

We did do a bit of recon on the National Gallery of Scotland today and managed to evade our advisaries by slipping Under the Stairs

Tomorrow, we have Edinburgh Castle scheduled for recon.  Is there any update regarding it's accessiblity?  Huh?  Don't send an exploding message if there is.

My recon report of the Castle will be my last.  I am tired of the powder burns from your messages and I feel it will once again be safe to resume my real identity.

As well, Michel, Spidey and I are FREAKING SICK of the crappy UK weather (it takes way longer to get sick of constant sunshine than constant overcast/rainy/cold) so we have changed our plans.

We will only be in London for 2-3 days and then we are flying off to sunny Spain on the recommendation of two complete strangers.....Ummmm, I mean agents.........that are also using the Edinburgh safe house. 

We are flying Ryan Air and it is costing less round trip to Spain than it would have roundtrip via train to Paris.

We will spend 9 glorious nights (5 in Seville - world's largest gothic cathedral - 4 in Granada - Alhambra, do I need to say anything else?) and 9 wonderful SUNNY days where the temperature will range between 15-20 degrees celsius!!!!  Don't weep too much - this is only payback for the exploding messages you keep sending.

Signing off while still wearing my toque (after being in the safe house for 4 hours!),


Monday, January 2, 2012

Reconnaissance Report


My recon of Roslyn Chapel two years ago paid off today!  They have made very few changes (new visitor's centre) so I was able to undertake the mission assigned me with ease. 

By the way, can we ditch the exploding messages?  Very dramatic and spy-like but when one is trying to stay undercover, it does not help to have things blowing up in public!!!!!

Anyway, yesterday, I expanded my recon to the glen behind the chapel and found the enemy's stronghold (Roslyn Castle).  Although they have made it look like it has been abandoned for quite some time (several hundred years - come on evil doers, I am not THAT gullible) I found many items of interest that I will be unable to disclose in this report due to it's sensitive nature.  I will review my findings with Agent 008 upon my return to base - at which point, I will have to kill her (you know who you are Agent 008!).

Today, under my cover as a mere tourist from Canada, I entered the Chapel and undertook my mission. If I was the evil person in this scenario, there would be a sinister laugh right about now!

The enemy will never know what hit them when the device is activated.
The Sasha Look!

A freaking tourist took me by surprise. It was
my natural response to pull my gun (ooops!)

Veve came along as part of my "disguise".  He may not
want to be a spy but it comes natural to him.

I have moved us to the safe house in Edinburgh and will continue my mission here.

Signing off for now,
