Monday, January 2, 2012

Reconnaissance Report


My recon of Roslyn Chapel two years ago paid off today!  They have made very few changes (new visitor's centre) so I was able to undertake the mission assigned me with ease. 

By the way, can we ditch the exploding messages?  Very dramatic and spy-like but when one is trying to stay undercover, it does not help to have things blowing up in public!!!!!

Anyway, yesterday, I expanded my recon to the glen behind the chapel and found the enemy's stronghold (Roslyn Castle).  Although they have made it look like it has been abandoned for quite some time (several hundred years - come on evil doers, I am not THAT gullible) I found many items of interest that I will be unable to disclose in this report due to it's sensitive nature.  I will review my findings with Agent 008 upon my return to base - at which point, I will have to kill her (you know who you are Agent 008!).

Today, under my cover as a mere tourist from Canada, I entered the Chapel and undertook my mission. If I was the evil person in this scenario, there would be a sinister laugh right about now!

The enemy will never know what hit them when the device is activated.
The Sasha Look!

A freaking tourist took me by surprise. It was
my natural response to pull my gun (ooops!)

Veve came along as part of my "disguise".  He may not
want to be a spy but it comes natural to him.

I have moved us to the safe house in Edinburgh and will continue my mission here.

Signing off for now,


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