Sunday, October 2, 2011

Montreal Montage

On my September 26, 2011 post, I had a little accident and hit "Publish Post" before I had a chance to put photos and videos in so here they are - plus more......

This actually happened very early in our visit.  Veve's cousin,
 Manushka was visiting from the States. We are at Mona's house.
Manushka, Veve, Mona and Zita.
Marc Andre, Mona's husband, is not only sexy in
an apron but is also a damn fine cook!!

We went to the Biodome one day so Spidey could have
some quality swing time!
We took Zita to see the Tall Ships one day.
Whenever I see this photo, I can't help thinking
that Veve is a chip off his mother's block.  That,
and the theme song from the Soprano's plays in my
head. Don't screw with the Roy Mafia family.
And then there were the Tall Ships

Spidey learns how to stear a Tall Ship!
And now, Spidey wants his own Tall Ship!
Being able to climb walls and shoot webbing
is no longer enough for him.
O!, Captain, my Captain!
Not sure what this had to do with Tall Ships,
but this performer was there!

Getting a smithing demonstration at
La Forge Cauchon

So the downstairs of La Forge Cauchon was a forge, but upstairs was a workworking shop that I think my Dad would love....check this out...

Our fine accommodations at La Balcon Vert

The intertidal zone where I almost lost my life....but thanks
to the quick actions of my husband, I only got dirty feet.

The windmill on Isle aux Coudres

So, along with the windwill, which wasn't functional, there was a water wheel driven mill that did work.  For those that ever wanted to see one in action, I give you.......

Oh, yah, I forgot we spent a day in Quebec City.
This is the Governor's Walk and that is the
Chateau Frontenac in the distance.

Spidey made some special friends in Montreal!

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