Thursday, March 15, 2012

Feeling Blue

I don't really have anything exciting to blog about today but just thought I might ramble a bit.

I am feeling a bit blue today so ate my last bar of chocolate from Switzerland and not even that helped.  I think that 8.5 months on the road are finally taking their tole.  I am missing all of you enormously and just wish that I could be at each of your houses having a cup of coffee with you. 

If I was at Mom and Dad's we could be sitting on the front deck and the only way it could be better is if Sharon and Steve were there with us.

At Sharon's, I would sit with her, Scott and Kaye (Bruce would wander in and out as usual) and just listen to the kids talk and give each other a hard time.

At Steve's, we would just watch TV or a movie and just enjoy being together.

At Sas', the 3 of us (Sue, me and Sas) would either be in the kitchen or the garage and it would be the constant stream of the kids coming to ask questions. Oh, how I miss the kids!

At Monique's it would be sitting back and listening to her and Michel talk about politics or CBC radio stuff that they had heard while Jess brings me up to date on what is going on in her life.

At Liz's, it would be sitting around the table, playing crib and having everyone give me a hard time about my inability to count the cards.

And oh how I miss sharing an office with Heather and just talking about work and life in general.

I miss you all terribly. I am coming home soon and can't wait to spend time with all of you.

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